Apply Now For a Free Quote Today!

Get the equipment you need while preserving your cash flow. All done at a faster clip.

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Apply Now For a Free Quote Today!

Get the equipment you need while preserving your cash flow.

All done at a faster clip.

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Flexible Financing for YOUR Business

Finance your next equipment purchase with a customized leasing program that is tailored to your unique needs! We can work with borrowers who have tough credit and/or limited cash flow so you can still grow your business!


Complete a quick one 

page application.

Get A Quote

Our team will contact you to

provide a customized quote

specific to your needs.

Get Funded

Your vendor will be paid

directly and you will receive

your new/used equipment!

Flexible Financing for YOUR Business

Finance your next equipment purchase with a customized leasing program that is tailored to your unique needs!

We can work with borrowers who have tough credit and/or limited cash flow so you can still grow your business!


Complete a quick one 

page application.

Get A Quote

Our team will contact you to

provide a customized quote

specific to your needs.

Get Funded

Your vendor will be paid

directly and you will receive

your new/used equipment!

Apply Today To Get Fast And Easy Financing!

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Equipment Type Required field!

Business Financing Programs

Cash flow is the key to any successful business. Often times owners are left having to pass up additional projects because they either are waiting on receivables or don’t have enough cash to purchase additional equipment. We are here to help! Our working capital and equipment leasing programs allow you to maintain growth and build momentum to achieve your goals.

Financing with a Client First Approach

Many lenders try and find clients that fit into a certain credit box without ever getting to know the business owner behind the application. goldclip™ takes a different approach to customer relationships. Our team learns about each business owner’s unique situation and needs which allows us to provide exceptional customer service. We take great pride in every closed transaction knowing that we played a role in the growth of our client’s business.

Benefits of Working with goldclip

Equipment Leasing Programs 

Equipment is at the core of many businesses. It is essential in providing high-quality services that your clients expect from you. We understand that as time goes on your equipment might break or become outdated and it could be stressful to replace. Our finance professionals are here to alleviate that pain and allow you to get the equipment you need without breaking the bank.

Financing with a Client First Approach

Many lenders try and find clients that fit into a certain credit box without ever getting to know the business owner behind the application. goldclip™ takes a different approach to customer relationships. Our team learns about each business owner’s unique situation and needs which allows us to provide exceptional customer service. We take great pride in every closed transaction knowing that we played a role in the growth of our client’s business.

Benefits of Working with goldclip

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